BBQ Chicken

BBQ Chicken

Chicken hot and steaming off the grill is a fantastic sight and a wonderful smell at cookouts and picnics. Everyone loves a good barbecued chicken: from grandparents, small nieces and nephews, teenagers, young professionals and parents. No matter who you are or what you do for a living, it can't be denied that once you get a whiff of chicken being barbecued, you're a total goner.

Now, a good chicken barbecue is harder to pull off than it sounds. There are a lot of documented instances of people getting stomach trouble due to undercooked chicken at barbecues. The other extreme is when the chicken gets burnt and takes on the appearance of charcoal. For the beginner who wants a successful barbecue with chicken as the main kind of meat, there are some tricks that can help you achieve that great barbecue taste. One is to pre-boil the chicken meat before firing it up on the grill. Although it doesn't sound like a particularly good option, boiling makes sure the chicken is fully cooked already before getting grilled. However, this eliminates the chicken's flavor, unless you have a very good sauce, and people argue against it as it takes away the very essence of grilling.

True blue grillers will tell you that it takes some time to perfect your own grilling technique. You can start by barbecuing some chicken at a small family gathering and getting other people to help you out. For a perfect finish, just make sure to watch your chicken closely.