Fried Chicken

Fried Chicken

Name a fastfood joint, any fastfood joint. In fact, name several, the first names that you can think of. They will all have one thing in common: fried chicken. A staple of dining places everywhere, fried chicken has long been one of the world's most popular foods. People everywhere eat fried chicken. A tribute to this fact are the hundreds of fried chicken chains serving millions of pieces of crispy chicken pieces every year.

The basics of fried chicken are simple. You take a piece of chicken, roll it in batter or add some seasonings to it for flavor, then drop it in a pan filled with hot oil. When it turns a golden brown, it's cooked and ready for consumption. Variations of this have turned out delicious results over time. Some small restaurants and formerly unknown fastfood places can actually attribute success to the acclaim their fried chicken recipes have garnered. A lot of families pride themselves on having fantastic fried chicken recipes that have been handed down and kept secret over the years.

Good breading or a reliable marinade are the essential things needed in making a perfect fried chicken dish. These bring out the flavor of the chicken. If you're not quite adept at frying chicken, you can ask around or look up recipes that you can use. For sure, knowing how to make great fried chicken will earn you points in life.